Take Time to Save Knitting Time: Rehearse the Process
A little bit of rehearsing will save time in the end by building confidence and reducing the chances of set-backs.
by Jackie E-S
If you are like me, there is such temptation to just dive into an unfamiliar project without any warm-up. We are so anxious to get started. But, a little bit of rehearsing will save time in the end by building confidence and reducing the chances of set-backs.
Here are some of the ways I've found to rehearse. Let me know if you find these helpful. Are there others you can suggest?
- Test your understanding of an unfamiliar stitch pattern or technique on a small sample swatch.
- Read the instructions out loud.
- Use larger needles and thicker yarn to practice with beforehand to familiarize the hands with the motions and rhythm of the pattern.
- Write out unfamiliar charting and text in your own words.
- Transcribe text instructions into a 'picture' chart or your own short-hand.
- Re-write each row (or round) of text instructions onto its own "flip card".
- Re-chart unfamiliar (or anti-intuitive) symbols into what is familiar to you. If there are symbols that could be easily confused, color coding with a highlighter can help.
Do you have a Question about knitting technique or skill? Please email me and I will consider it for an upcoming Q&A.
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