How long can triangle shawl be with the yarn you have?
A Balancing Act: When 1/4 = 1/2
by Jackie E-S
My preferred construction approach to making a triangle shawl is to start with just a few stitches (either at the tip or center back), then increase to make the triangle shape. This allows you to practice on relatively few stitches to begin with (basically you can use it as your sample swatch), and to verify that you are comfortable and pleased with your yarn and needle choices.
Another benefit is that it really makes you feel like you are zooming along because the length increases quickly. But this can be a little deceiving about how much you have actually progressed toward project completion.
Here is an easy guideline you can use to anticipate how long the shawl can be made with the amount of yarn you have.
When 1/4 (one-fourth) of your yarn has been used up, you have reached about 1/2 the length of the shawl.
Give it a try next time you want to make a triangle shawl, e.g. Beaded Lux Shoulder Shawl or one of the other HeartStrings triangle shawls.
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