Introduction to Finishing Your Knitting
Make the finishing steps easier and seem effortless
by Jackie E-S
Are the final "finishing" steps of your knitting project your least favorite part? Have you ever had a project languishing for months (even years!) after the knitting had been completed, when it only needed to be "finished"? Do you feel less competent with your finishing skills than you would like?
In my many years of knitting, I have found that projects in the "when you're done, you're done" category are those I complete faster and more enjoyably than those where a great deal of
"after the knitting is completed" work remains. So I began to exercise choices and employ techniques to make more of my projects like the "when you're done" category. I hope that the articles and patterns I publish will help you do the same.
You can think of "finishing" is a process in three stages.
Finishing Starts at the Beginning
Choosing and planning projects up-front to eliminate as much finishing as possible.
Finishing as an "In Process" Activity
Substituting finish-as-you-go techniques to proceed with confidence, and minimize time and annoyance of finishing tasks later.
Finishing It Off
Tips and tricks to complete your knitting project with professional results.
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