Be a Bead Counter
A bit of quick counting in beaded knitting avoids errors discovered later
by Jackie E-S
That's right – I said "bead" counter, not bean counter!
When knitting with beads, a bit of quick counting has saved me countless times from discovering errors much later in my knitting and not so easily corrected. Here's how –
Before beginning a row or round, I count exactly the number of beads needed for that row/round and slide that portion close to my needles ready to be used. Then slide the remaining beads much further down the yarn and out of the way.
Upon working that row, if I reach the end and have any beads left over, I know I overlooked placing bead(s) somewhere in that row and have only a (relatively) small number of stitches to unknit and correct.
Likewise if I run out of beads before completing the row, I can identify the error within that row and correct before proceeding too far.
If the row/round has a large number of stitches, use the same concept to pre-count beads for a portion of the row, such as a repeat between markers.
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