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Featuring the creativity of knitters inspired by Vernal Equinox, the March sock pattern in The Sock Calendar: Socks For all Seasons.
Here's a classic, tailored, unisex sock using an easy slip-stitch design. We used spring colors for March and the sock is also handsome in other combinations.

Knitted by Darlene two at a time on two circulars with Adrienne Vitadini cashmere as a gift for a very dear friend. (continued below)
Vernal Equinox in Adrienne Vitadini cashmere
Darlene says ... The cuff is only 3" long because that's what she requested. The heel is reinforced with heel and toe reinforcement yarn as I'm sure cashmere isn't going to wear well as a sock :-) ... I've ordered the yarn as specified in the Sock Calendar for this pattern for me this time :-)

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Do you have TSC socks you have made and would like to display in the Gallery?
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Last revised May 1, 2003