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Featuring the creativity of knitters inspired by Vernal Equinox, the March pattern in The Sock Calendar: Socks For all Seasons.
Here's a classic, tailored, unisex sock using an easy slip-stitch design. We used spring colors for March and the sock is also handsome in other combinations.

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Although, The Sock Calendar hard-copy book is now OUT OF PRINT, republications of individual designs are available.

The originally published book with all 12 sock designs is also available as a downloadable PDF e-book.

Vernal Equinox in Garnstudio Angora-Tweed
Catherine W
Vernal Equinox in EasyCare 8
Jackie E-S
Vernal Equinox in mystery yarn
Katherine E
Vernal Equinox in Garnstudio Angora-Tweed
Catherine W
Vernal Equinox in Hayfield Sweetheart Baby
Judith P
Vernal Equinox in Adrienne Vitadini cashmere
Darlene B

Do you have TSC socks you have made and would like to display in the Gallery?
Request information
here for submission procedures.

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Last revised May 1, 2003