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Featuring the creativity of knitters inspired by Ahoy! Socks, the May pattern in The Sock Calendar: Socks For all Seasons.
Here's a sailorly sock with a nautical knotted cable and plaited cord rib.

Knitted by Chappy using red heart's cotton twist with size 3 and 4 dpns. Chappy writes ... love the socks and nice and comfy to wear. They made up very quickly. I love the calendar!

Chappy invites you to visit her photo album for other socks she has made.

Return to main TSC Gallery.

Ahoy! Socks in Red Heart cotton twist

Return to Ahoy! Socks Gallery room.

Do you have TSC socks you have made and would like to display in the Gallery?
Request information here for submission procedures.

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Last revised April 16, 2004