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Featuring the creativity of knitters inspired by Modern Romance, the February sock pattern in The Sock Calendar: Socks For all Seasons.
Here's a stitch that curves and meanders but still remains true...not unlike affairs of the heart.

An anklet variation knitted by Jackie E-S in Haneke Exotics silk/merino/pima cotton, color black. Jackie says ... I started with 54 stitches, no cuff ribbing and immediately began the lace pattern to get a pointy edging at top of leg. The combination of a shorter 3" leg height and the bias effect of the lace keeps the anklet from sagging about the leg. Although black is certainly not the color that one would pick for "romantic", I've been craving a pair of black lace socks. This is my treat to myself, and I think they look sophisticated. :)

Click here for another full-view photo.


anklet variation Modern Romance in Haneke Exotics

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Last revised March 7, 2003